Momen yang hilang

Hari minggu ini, Abel – anak lanangku – menunjukan tulisan untuk tugas sekolahnya. Sebuah karya tulis mengenai RA Kartini yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Tentu saja grammaticalnya masih berantakan disana sini. Ndak masalah. Ada yang jauh lebih menarik, bahwa ia bisa menuangkan sebuah ide tulisan dari berbagai sumber tulisan yang dibacanya. Lihat saja, saya bisa merasakan kepedihan seorang Kartini karena tidak bisa melanjutkan sekolah. Apatisnya menghadapi hidup, bahkan ceritanya bisa menyambar ke sosok Agus Salim.
Untuk kesekian kalinya saya kehilangan moment moment pertumbuhannya dengan sebuah alasan klise. Kesibukan dan selalu di luar. Sepertinya tiba tiba ia sudah bisa bicara, lalu sebuah lompatan lagi ketika melihatnya sudah bisa berjalan. Lalu saya juga tak tahu kapan ia belajar komputer, tiba tiba saya menemui ia sudah duduk browsing di internet mencari kunci kunci rahasia untuk permainan Play Stationnya. Kini ia sudah bisa mengarang tulisan.
Ah, sungguh kesia siaan. Sekonyong konyong saya mengutuk diri sendiri.

Coba kita baca tulisannya.


Women Partisan Emancipation
Raden Ajeng Kartini was born in Center Java, Rembang, at April 21Th 1879. Her father is Jepara Governor, Raden Mas Adipati Aria Sosroningrat, is the one from the four person that rank: Kajeng Bupati the one that can speak, write, and read in Dutch. With that father’s high rank, maybe Kartini can school. But, there’s a rule: Her school must be ‘end’ at 12 year’s old. Besides, Kartini has aspired to be a teacher.
When came a man to propose her, Kartini can ‘be friend’ with a book. Because of her ‘friend’ Kartini has a large knowledge. She very sure, God never wrong to create Kartini to be a women. The one of the God creation creature has creates a culture! Culture can make Kartini to be a teacher!

She is very nervous. Many times she ask a question to her self, why this could be happen? Why man can school but I can’t? She can’t find the answer. All she known is: because there’s a very strong fence on the culture. Only that.

Kartini want to jump over that fence and she trust her self to do it. She thinking she can be a teacher. But, the one she can’t do it is deletion a coke to her parents face. Break culture fence can deletion a coke to her parents face. Of course she can’t do that and scare if she do that. But, what can she do? Kartini can’t find the good answer. She is more nervous. All that worried in her heart and her mind to be a Javanese is on the letter she write to her friend, Adebanon, School Instruction Director. All Kartini letter is wrought into a book and gave a title Door Duisternis tot Licht (After Dark Appear a Light). Kartini also send a letter to Adebanon to get a scholarship to school.

Kartini have ‘fight’ the strong fence. Her fight is been seen with open a school for girls that live not to far from the school. She understand, very lots a female that don’t known any knowledge. She wants to share her knowledge. She is very happy to do that. Her satisfaction to be a ‘teacher’ is healing her yearning to be a real ‘teacher’
The strong fence name culture almost been jumped by Kartini when come a letter from Dutch that grant her wish for school in Dutch. There’s a scholarship available for her. Her aspired to be a teacher is not shocking for her anymore. But, that letter not in time. Because, Rembang governor, Raden Adipati Joyodiningrat is ready to be her husband.

Kartini know there’s a clever Youngman that need the scholarship to continue his school. That Youngman is not from Rembang, but from Minangkabau, West Sumatera. His name is Agus Salim. Kartini want to kind to his friend for Indonesia. But, he is not want to school again. Only he is known the reason. Kartini has opening her household. Kartini now have a husband, and she now is a wife. Her husband must be gets a treatment from her. Kartini’s old is not long that been wishes. 3 days after bear a baby. Kartini has dead in to early, at 25 year’s old. She is dead at September 17th 1904.

There is no Raden Ajeng Kartini for now. Her wish to jump over the fence name culture is can’t be true. Indonesian female have been represent fence name culture. After Dark Appear a Light is coming true. The ‘dark’ on Kartini has been change to ‘light’ for Indonesian females. Kartini big kindness will not forgotten by Indonesian females.
Indonesian President appreciated what have Kartini does. Because of Kartini kindness, Indonesian President gives Kartini a rank: Pahlawan Pergerakan Nasional in years 1964.

Abel/4B 13

Saya tidak tahu apakah saya akan kehilangan lagi momen momen pertumbuhannya kelak ? Mudah mudahan masih ada kesempatan melihat lompatan lompatan jauhnya. Jika tidak saya hanya bisa menyesali seumur hidup.
Mari nak. Sini duduk bersama Ayah membaca tulisanmu.

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  • funkshit
    April 23, 2008 at 4:47 pm

    lha dulu saya kelas 4 SD diajarin nya ngarang pake bahasa jawa. . .kenapa dulu saya ngga diajarin bahasa inggris ya
    *menyesal lah saya selama2 nya :D:D

  • eve
    April 23, 2008 at 5:29 pm

    Nggak tau sih mas, saya juga belum punya precil (nyontek kata2 si mbok), tapi kalo anak sepintar itu sih pasti bikin bangga banget yah.

  • kutaraja
    April 24, 2008 at 12:35 am

    aku ingin punya Ayah..
    Duh, Tuhan! Ia telah banyak kehilangan momen-momenku.

  • kyai gantheng
    April 24, 2008 at 9:20 am

    asal jangan bapak polah anak kena getah … kasihan … xixixixi

  • Indahjuli
    April 24, 2008 at 4:54 pm

    Mas Iman, bakat menulisnya Abel sudah keliatan tuh, tinggal dipupuk 🙂
    Problem klasik orang tua termasuk saya 😀

  • diyantouchable
    April 28, 2008 at 3:09 pm

    kayaknya bakat nulis “Iman Brotoseno the first” nurun deh, tulisannya “kartini want to jump that fence” lucu tapi berisi….
    kalau lagi diluar kota, alangkah baiknya kalau kalian kirim2an email menceritakan apa aja yang terjadi selama nggak ketemu…
    mudah2an itu bisa memupuk bakat menulis “Iman Brotoseno the Second”
    keep on writing!!!

  • rumahkayubekas
    May 8, 2008 at 7:30 pm

    Sering ditinggal segini pinternya Mas. Gimana kalo ngga..

  • Nanang
    June 12, 2008 at 4:25 pm

    kadang seorang anak hanya butuh kehadiran, dia menengok apakah ibu/bapaknya ada, kalau ada dia senyum, lalu bermain lagi dengan temannya, beberapa waktu kemudian, menengok lagi, senyum lagi… kadang hanya itu saja 🙂

  • ndafender
    October 11, 2009 at 10:40 am

    kartini sealu saja dikenalkan dalam pelajaran sekolah dasar. hanya saat itulah kita mengetahuinya. dan hampir tiada lagi pelajaran setelah saat itu. kartini kaukan selalu dikenang karena jasamu.

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