These are more than 17,500 islands in Indonesia, strechted out along the equator like green, ruby and bronze beads of an exquisite necklace. These islands are endowed with vast biological diversity, and approximately one third of the huge number of spieces found on them are endemic. Indonesia stil has one of the largets remaining tropical rainforest in the world, many of which are managed as conservation area. Unfotunately these gifts from nature have been greatly damaged by three decades of exploitation.Indonesia’s forests are being degraded and destroyed by logging, mining operations and large-scale agricultural plantations, and from time to time the regime of government always blame the indigenous and local people for shifting agriculture and cutting for fuelwood. I don’t believe that colonization, and subsistence activities cause a major problem of this issue. Their culture is to maintain close links between nature and life as they believe nature will protect them.
Posted on April 23, 2007Jepara, October 1903
Modertje, my moedertje,say something to me, I am so utterly, utterly unhappy. Physically, spiritually broken, I have energy no more. For days already it is as if there is a fire in my head, as my heart is a burning bullet. I am assumed to be still alive, Is this living ? There are worse things then death. And when I am dead, what will that have achieved ? Nothing ! other than that I have obstructed some people, tripped them up in their egotism. …Oh my poor, poor dreams, my poor sisters.
The house is as though deserted, the bird no longer chrips, it is lying with broken wing, a broken heart, oh and a heart full of terrible, evil thoughts.
Do you despise me,yes ? -it is hard,but still bearable, but that I cannot respect myself, that I cannot bear.
My God have mercy, show me the way !
So wrote Raden Ajeng Kartini two month prior her wedding with the regent of Rembang which almost 30 years older than her. More than 100 letter which Kartini wrote to her mentor, Rosa Abendanon, a wife of the director of education of the Dutch East Indies between 1900 – 1904. In these letter she expressed her belief in her right to the freedom of personal self determination as a woman and a javanesse. She describes her quest for further education and for release from restrictions traditional life imposed on woman, especially the tyranny of an arranged polygamous marriage. But the decision has been made by his father, and she never lived to see that freedom.